Friday, September 7, 2012

Lady Gaga's Next Album an App?

Just when I started to wonder what Lady Gaga was up to, she announces her next album release “Artpop” will be a “multimedia experience”. The album will be released in a form of an app for iPads, iPhones, iPods, mobile devices, and computers. The app is going to be interactive with films for every song, with chats, extra music, gaga inspired games, content, updates on fashion, magazines and more that are still in the process of creation.

Lady Gaga
Besides Lady Gaga being known for her unexpected outfits, performances, and the special meat dress, she’s very well known for her huge following on Twitter and her interaction with her fans on her own networking site created by Backplane with some of her input. The creation of this app for mother monster's next album is not only a brilliant marketing strategy, but it will add a few zeros to her income statement. This app is going to create a huge trend with the little monsters and other artist will pick up on it. The album will be available in digital and physical formats uniquely different to the app.

Mother Monster
This app is going to be Gaga’s way to get back on top. Premium apps will have a difficult time with this, especially if other artists decide to continue the trend. On the other end, Apple Inc. must me pleased and content with this move. Glenn Peoples from Billboard predicts that this “premium artist app” “will be the future album for the artists and it will hold the weight of the record business on its shoulders.” I can absolutely agree with that and believe it will replace albums years from now.

So much content can be put into these apps in a way that it can be easily delivered to the fans with a personal touch. Record labels, managers, business owners, marketers, even branding experts that are not on to this better catch on quick because premium apps are already starting to replace what we used to call media.


“Creating Memories, Building Characters.”

P.S. Check out Lady Gaga’s new fragrance “FAME” commercial. It is ABSOLUTLEY but ABSOLUTLEY on point. It is gaga all the way and it is perfect for her little monsters. Director Steven Klein along with the pop star knew exactly how they wanted the ad to get their audience interested and sparked. Well, I won’t spoil it anymore, see it yourself! Part one and part two of the commercial. Let me know what you think.